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The Worldwide Online Directory for Magic Talent

Performing Since


Short Bio

Steve Owens is an exclusive Award-Winning, International Magician from the Magic Castle. He has traveled the world performing his unique smooth style of cutting edge magic, including his Stage Show, Close Up Show and Shadow Act.
Steve Owens can tailor his show to fit your needs, from a 3 minute show to a 45 minute show, and can perform in many different kinds of venues.

Performance Area


Up to 10000 mi.

Los Angeles, CA, USA

Will travel. Expenses quoted separately.

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Currently Available For

Birthday Party , Celebration , Convention , Corporate Event , Holiday Party , Private Party , Specialty Themed , Unique Event

Audience Specialties

All Ages , Suit to Audience , Seniors , Adults , Young Adults , Teens , Kids

Magician's Advice

don't be lazy, innovate

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